- Added: Job expiry notification.
- Fixed: Responsive toggle issue.
- Fixed: Unable to delete expired jobs on the job edit page.
- Improved: Expired post states added in admin listings.
- Minor bug fixes and code improvements.
- Fixed: Failed to open directory issue in Add-ons screen.
- Improved: Notifications template tags.
- Dev: Hooks for dashboard and overview data customization
- Minor bug fixes and code improvements.
- Fixed: Job specifications settings issue when options with similar words are entered.
- Fixed: HTML content issue in notification mails for some installations.
- Improved: Mail notification template. Logo in mail notification with the link to the site homepage.
PRO v3.2.4
- Fixed: HTML content issue in notification mails for some installations.
- Fixed: Custom key not working for application status settings.
- Fixed: Date and time issue for the application submission email.
- Improved: Notifications customizer settings to add background color for email.
- Minor bug fixes.
PRO v3.2.3
- Fixed: Application status not getting updated when the status label is long.
- Improved: Application status settings.
- Minor bug fixes.
PRO v3.2.2
- Fixed: License issue with duplicated or cloned websites (Update in Freemius SDK).
- Fixed: Form submission error and empty application issue when attachments failed to generate proper metadata.
- Fixed: Drag and Drop file uploading issues in Windows systems.
- Fixed: Uploading issue with documents exported with Google.
- Improved: Filled class support for the expired job listing.
- Dev: Added functions for better debugging.
- Minor bug fixes and code improvements.
- Fixed: Uploading issue with documents exported with Google.
- Fixed: Accessibility issue in job listing filters.
- Fixed: Deprecation notice with function wp_no_robots.
- Improved: Settings error handling.
- Dev: Added functions for better debugging.
- Minor bug fixes and code improvements.
PRO v3.2.1
- Improved: Shortcode builder. Support for job status for job listing shortcode.
- Bug fixes and code improvements.
PRO v3.2.0
- Added: Advanced settings to manage application status (Settings > Advanced) with the option to send notification automatically on status change.
- Added: HTML editor support for notifications.
- Added: Country-based input option for phone fields.
- Added: Filled admin filter and filled post state for jobs.
- Fixed: 'Disable Form' issue in application shortcode.
- Improved: Form builder error handling.
- Improved: Elementor popup support for the application form.
- Dev: Repeater field support (programmatically) for the application form.
- Dev: Hooks to customize the export page.
- Dev: Hooks to customize job display options.
- Other minor bug fixes and style improvements.
- Added: HTML editor support for notifications.
- Added: Author info in the admin job listing table.
- Fixed: HTML structure issue in the notification mail.
- Improved: Notifications mail handling.
- Improved: Multilingual support for job specifications.
- Dev: Hooks for specifications customization.
- Code improvements.
PRO v3.1.1
- Fixed: Drag and drop file fields conflict with other plugins.
- Security fixes and code improvements.
- Improved: Custom Button (Job Display Options > Application Form) options.
PRO v3.1.0
- Added: Restrict Duplicate Applications support (Settings > Form > General > Application form options).
- Added: Shortcodes for Jobs count and Job Specifications (Settings > Shortcodes).
- Added: Elementor popup support for form shortcode.
- Improved: Form builder error handling.
- Dev: Added hooks to customize administrative pages.
- Code improvements.
- Minor bug fixes.
- WordPress 5.9 compatibility fixes.
- Added: Akismet Anti-Spam Protection.
- Fixed: Application form issue with in-app browsers.
- Improved: Job listing filters UI.
- Other minor bug fixes and style improvements.
PRO v3.0.0
- Admin UI improvements.
- Added: Multiple Forms Support (Settings > Form > Form Builder).
- Added: Order by and Order support for job listing shortcode (Settings > Shortcodes).
- Added: Applications by Status Overview widget.
- Added: Month, Week, and Day-based filters for Applications Analytics widget.
- Added: Position Filled feature.
- Added: Options to change job detail strings (Settings > Appearance > Change Strings > Job Detail Strings).
- Added: Export Applications by Job Listing or Application Form.
- Added: Unicode character support for application print feature.
- Fixed: Conflict with Yoast SEO plugin, resulting in blank or duplicate applications.
- Fixed: Placeholder not working in the application form.
- Improved: Content handling based on user capabilities.
- Dev: Improved the hook to customize the print styles for applicant details.
- Code improvements.
- Other minor bug fixes.
- Admin UI improvements.
- Job listing UI improvements. The template file needs to be updated if overridden in the theme.
- Added: Overview page with support for Applications Analytics widget, Get Started widget, Recent Applications widget, Open Positions widget, and Your Listings widget.
- Added: Multiple pagination support - Classic or Modern.
- Fixed: 'Add New' button for applications being displayed for Multisite network.
- Fixed: Issue in removing duplicate job specification options.
- Fixed: Email digest from address is not the same as the mail address for admin notification.
- Improved: Admin dashboard widget.
- Improved: Job Specifications settings.
- Improved: HR user capabilities.
- Dev: Deprecated job listing hooks.
- Dev: Deprecated recent jobs widget hooks.
- Dev: Hook to override the allowed HTML for the form.
- Dev: Hook to customize expired job content.
- Code improvements.
- Other minor bug fixes.